
Want to be a sponsor?

Fill out the Sponsorship Form!

MSU Extension logo

Platinum Sponsors ($3,000 and up)

  • Name and link to your webpage from MJSC website
  • Name on an award at end of year
  • Option to put your name and logo on buckets to be given to each participant
  • Name or logo on vinyl banner which will be hung at all shows
  • Booth space at Awards Ceremony and opportunity to talk with youth/adults at event
  • Opportunity to provide promotional material at any circuit shows

Gold Sponsors ($1,500 to $2,999)

  • Name and link to your webpage from MJSC website
  • Name on an award at end of year
  • Name or logo on vinyl banner which will be hung at all shows
  • Option to put your name and logo on buckets to be given to each participant

Silver Sponsors ($750 to $1,499)

  • Name and link to your webpage from MJSC website
  • Name on an award at end of circuit year
  • Name or logo on vinyl banner which will be hung at all shows

Bronze Sponsors ($749 or under)

  • Name, address & phone number listed on MJSC website
  • Name or logo on vinyl banner which will be hung at all shows

Want to be a sponsor?

Fill out the Sponsorship Form!